Emergency Preparedness
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Emergency Preparedness Resources
Public health plays a vital role in emergency preparedness. After major disasters, public health workers are often called upon to participate in a coordinated response and to protect residents from disease outbreaks and other hazards due to contaminated food and water, chemical releases, insect-borne diseases, and unmet medical needs.
The QHD is focused on health emergencies that could potentially harm many people, such as pandemic flu, infectious diseases, hazardous releases, natural disasters, and terrorism. To date, Board of Health staff has completed the following plans:
- Emergency Dispensing Site Plan and Development
- Continuity of Operations Plan
- Risk Communication Plan
QHD is also part of the Hampshire Public Health Preparedness Coalition.
HPHPC works collaboratively to enhance communities collective capacity to share resources and respond to public health threats and emergencies, including terrorism and outbreaks of infectious diseases. We strive to improve local and regional public health emergency preparedness, and meet deliverables set forth by the Department of Public Health.

Belchertown Health Department

Town of Pelham

Ware Health Department
About Us
The Quabbin Health District is a comprehensive regional health department serving the communities of Belchertown, Ware, and Pelham. The district was established in 1980 by a Town meeting vote and was formed under the Section 27A of Chapter 111 of the MGL.
Contact Us
Quabbin Health District
Ware Town Hall
126 Main Street
Ware MA 01082
(413) 967-9615
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm